Saba Pataudi recently shared a heartfelt update regarding her brother, actor Saif Ali Khan. It follows after a distressing incident where the actor was stabbed at his residence in Mumbai. She expressed relief and happiness after visiting him, and she highlighted Saif’s positive attitude and gradual recovery.
Saba Pataudi shares Saif Ali Khan’s health updates
In her Instagram story, Saba wrote, “So good to be back and spend time with bhai. Happy to see him stay positive and recover gradually and steadily during the past 2 days. While I didn’t realize I’d fractured my finger until recently, reminding bhai and me of abba’s (father’s) cricket injuries! I was tempted to leave mine to set like his, by doing nothing but that didn’t pan out! Glad to be with family! Always together.”
What happened to Saif Ali Khan?
Saif is currently hospitalized at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. He is said to be recovering from injuries sustained during an attempted robbery at his Bandra residence on January 16. The intruder, identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, entered Saif’s home with the intent to steal. In an attempt to protect his housemaid, Saif intervened and was unfortunately stabbed in the thoracic spine. Authorities apprehended the suspect in Hiranandani Estate, Thane, as he tried to escape to his hometown in Bangladesh’s Jhalokati district. Saif underwent surgery to address serious injuries, including the removal of a 2.5-inch-long blade.
Kareena Kapoor’s statement
In the wake of the incident, Kareena Kapoor, Saif’s wife, took to Instagram to address the media and fans. The actress urges them to respect the family’s privacy during this challenging time. She stated, “It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the unfolding events. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage.”
Kareena emphasized the overwhelming nature of the situation and the potential risks associated with constant media attention, asking for understanding and cooperation as the family seeks to heal and cope together.